Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rampant Soda Shortage Grips Africa

I Consider this a Total Catastrophe

They are out of Coke in Sumbawanga. They're also out of Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta, Spar-letta, Tangawizi and Mirinda, the entire variety of East African soda options. How a whole town runs out of soda, I cannot say, but this is Africa and things like this happen all the time. It's not unreasonable to hypothesize that the truck or trucks bringing soda from the bigger cities into Sumbwanga drove off a cliff. Not joking. And so, basically everyone in western Tanzania who hasn't amassed a wartime stockpile of Coca-Cola is Lent-ing it for September. A few opportunists in town have a few cases left and are selling them at exorbitant prices. Like I said, some things are the same across the world. I'm just waiting for the day an African pays $10,000 for a PS3.

Unfortunately for the Shermans, I am a soda drinker and converted them from non-Soda-ists about a week after I got here. And so yesterday as Trevor and I shared the last bottle of Coca-Cola, we were like island castaways somberly polishing off the last coconut, trusting that fate or future might somehow provide for our well-being in ways beyond our comprehension. To thee I entrust my being, Lord God.

Soda is best from the glass bottle. It always has been, it always will be. I'd like to know why bottlers in the United States have forsaken it. Is it too expensive? Then why can African bottlers afford to do it? Surely the novelty of glass bottles would wear off soon after the market has been inundated with them. Offer big deposits on bottles, people won't smash them on the side of the road. People can drink them where they buy them like they do here. Environmentalists would love the idea, too – less garbage. Of course, they're very heavy, especially en masse. But in the U.S., you don't have to lug them 40 miles to refill them. You can throw them in the back seat of your Dodge Shadow and haul them to Meijer. I'm telling you, there's some merit to this idea. (I'm not thinking clearly, am I?)

So anyway, we're out of soda out here and you can expect this blog to slowly regress into lunatic ravings until we're replenished. Count on it.

Miss you all,



Anonymous said...

Praying for a huge intervention from above. A man cannot live without his soda!

Dan said...

Jim, I apologize for missing the last post. We've been staying at Vryhofs while our kitchen is getting remodeled. Anyway...

In reference to the last post, I think I have Spiderman 3 with Swahili subtitles. Want it?

I'm praying for you big time Jim. Not only because you're out of soda, but because you are doing some awesome work in a potentially dangerous area. If I could, I would send you glass bottled Dr. Pepper right now. Maybe I'll order some and we can have a bottle when you come to Chicago.

I miss you a lot man. Can't wait to see you again.

Amy said...

First of all, I agree with the glass bottle thing. Not only do sodas from glass bottles taste better, but you also look cooler while drinking them. As someone who spends extensive time refining her image, this is very important to me.

Secondly, thanks for writing on my Facebook wall. You're cool and I'm glad we're friends and I can hear about your great adventures.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe you've been there over a month already? I bet time is absolutely flying for you. Praying for you, brother!